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Man walking on a Bible towards a cross

A Call to Action

May 28th, 2020

It has come to my attention that numerous pastors are retiring without qualified replacements. The need is so critical some denominations consider it a looming crisis.  This is also a concern for many independent ministries, especially those with no direct connection to a larger network. Missions groups are finding it difficult to recruit men and women to replace retiring missionaries or to find qualified pastors for indigenous churches.

We know it is God who calls people to ministry, not us; but we can participate with Him in the process in at least four ways.

  1.  Ask the Lord to ‘send out workers into the harvest’. Mt. 9:37-38
  2. Make your congregation aware of the need, asking them to pray with you.
  3. Look within your sphere of ministry for those exhibiting ministry qualifications listed in I Timothy 3:1-7.
  4. Extend an invitation to explore and explain the call to full time ministry.

Perhaps Jesus’ words “many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14) can be applied to a call to ministry as it is a call to salvation. It is possible that many are called to ministry but few are chosen because of family issues, health or fear of training so the call is ignored. Let’s do our part in finding and helping those who are being called find their way into their calling.

Logan Sparling, May 20, 2020

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