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Terry King and John Dean recount the founding of AIM in this three-part interview series

with Jamie Singleton and Jonathan Taniegra!

Part One

Part Two


Part Three


Reflection Questions

Video 1 questions

  1. What do you hear of John and Terry’s attitude to the King and His kingdom?
  2. If you catch this same attitude, how would you imagine it would affect your thinking and actions?
  3. Consider the current issues with which you have been involved in this past week. How could this attitude lead you to behave differently?


Video 2 questions

  1. To whom has God given you to be a friend? What can you do to nurture this relationship?
  2. John wanted to know what God was saying to Terry so they could be of “one mind”. How can you calibrate with your co-worker, so you are of “one mind”?
  3. What would it cost you to have a relationship of this quality?


Video 3 questions

  1. What is your part in ensuring we remain faithful to the original value of relationship that John and Terry have model, rather than allowing AIM to become an organization?
  2. Hunger for God and humility seem to be a safeguard against going off the rails. How can you nurture these characteristics in yourself?
  3. What would it mean for you to “come before the altar” and to “find your own man”?
  4. How will you avoid getting “trapped in the box” of the spiritual giants who have gone before?

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