This week Joel ministered to the youth of Caminho Santo in Goiânia, Brazil where Eduardo Monteiro is the lead pastor. COVID has stopped travel, but not the Kingdom!
Read MorePodcast in England
The new normal restricts travel. Terry King writes that he traveled to England in January and has several invitations to return…
Read MoreBill Yount
Here is my latest message titled – Perspective Is Everything. I hope it encourages you…
Read MoreEl Salvador
Pastor Francis writes to request prayer as Cristo Centro is reopening this coming Sunday…
Read MoreGranite Shoals, Texas
Prayer Support for Back to School. Jackie English, the pastor of Christ Redeemer Fellowship in Granite Shoals, Texas, reports that a group of intercessors from the church…
Read MoreZimbabwe
Greetings from Aspher and Josphine Madziyire in Zimbabwe. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are now holding 3 services every Sunday and its working well…
Read MoreSan Antonio, TX – John Dean
If the Lord is adding to the church daily it is because the church is not finished. As a matter of fact, the church will not be finished until Jesus returns for His bride. Our text simply shows the progression of the church and not it’s conclusion…
Read MoreLondon, England – LifeLine Church
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We would like to extend our gratitude and thankfulness for your continued support in these trying times…
Read MoreGranite Shoals, TX, Jackie English
These days it seems like I have an extra-short fuse. I find myself more easily caught up in anger and frustration by things in the news or on social media, and I can be triggered by a “crazy” remark from someone in my own social circle. But here is the…
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