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Connecting and working together provides the opportunity for God’s blessing (Psalm 133)

Building an alliance

The name Alliance International Ministries was chosen because it expresses the key components of our values and vision. The calling of AIM is to build an alliance, a relationally connected family of ministers and teams who work together to expand the kingdom of God.

We believe that connecting and working together provides the opportunity for God’s blessing (Psalm 133). Men and women in this family represent nations, ministries, congregations and people-groups from around the world.


We embrace a horizontal model of relationship building rather than a vertical (hierarchical) model. Ministers relate to one another in apostolically led spheres. Apostolic spheres relate to each other in this alliance. This model encourages personal responsibility to one’s call to ministry and it allows for unlimited expansion. It provides an atmosphere of cooperation, which leads to synergistic ministry.

Building an Alliance

Coordinating Team

The Coordinating Team is the primary vehicle for unifying this Alliance. This team is a peer-based team whose members are drawn from the Extra Local Ministers fellowship.

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Extra Local Ministers

The Extra Local Ministers are composed of AIM recognized ministers who function primarily in extra-local ministry.

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Pastors Company

The primary purpose for this Company is to facilitate peer relationships for lead pastors.

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