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חמשׁ “in martial array”
(Exodus 13:18)


We are better together!

Alliance International Ministries is a ministerial family of men and women who have covenanted to walk together in personal relationships. We anticipate synergistic ministry. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are represented. Our alliance responds to the call of our Lord to extend the kingdom of God. Working together we are better prepared to do so.

Our model is taken from the Hebrew word חמשׁ used in Exodus 13:18. The Scriptures declare that our God led the people of Israel to battle “in martial array”. This army was not a mob, they went forth in disciplined ranks, in columns five abreast. Each man knew who was on his right and on his left. Each was committed to his companion.

AIM provides two different opportunities to build together. The following brief descriptions are provided to assist you in finding a place. Contact an AIM Coordinating Team or Apostolic Company member for more information.

Ordained Minister

These individuals have five-fold ministry gifts and callings and look primarily to one of the members of the AIM Apostolic Company for spiritual care and apostolic ministry.

Some may have received ordination prior to coming into a relationship with an AIM apostle. AIM Ordination Credentials do not deny this ordination; however, requesting Ordination Credentials from AIM indicates that this is now their primary relationship.

Others come into ministry as a part of their relationship with an AIM apostle. A preliminary step to Ordination is described next. AIM Ordination testifies to the covenantal relationship the minister has with one of our apostles and other members of the family. It also fulfills the legal requirements of an ordained minister.

Our model is taken from the Hebrew word חמשׁ used in Exodus 13:18. The Scriptures declare that our God led the people of Israel to battle “in martial array”.

AIM Associates

The Associate Credential serves two purposes. The first group of AIM Associates are men and women growing in ministry. This is our first step in recognizing their ministry gifts and is a preparation for ordination. They are being mentored in a specific ministry responsibility and are recommended by their pastor.

A second group includes individuals who have a primary relationship with another organization and wish to also have tangible evidence of their relationship with AIM. Each has requested and received blessing from their primary leader before proceeding with AIM Associates. In some cases this individual is the key leader of a network of ministers and becomes a liaison between this family and AIM.

AIM Ordination / Associates

  • Share the vision of AIM. They are committed to stand with our family of ministers, building the kingdom of God together.
  • Share the values of AIM which include our conviction that personal relationships provide synergistic energy for ministry.
  • Identify with and are recommended by one of the spheres of the AIM Apostolic Company.
  • Support those to whom they look, praying and giving, assisting them when called upon.
  • Seek to build personal relationships with other members of the AIM family. One of the ways AIM credentialed individuals walk out this call is by participating in annual events.
  • Receive regular updates on AIM ministry activities.
  • Support the ministry of AIM through an annual administrative fee determined by each AIM sphere and by participating in missions offerings.


  • Read the booklet, “Introducing Alliance International Ministries.
  • Fill out the request form above.
  • An application form will be sent to you.
  • Return the application form and the sponsoring apostle will recommend you to the Coordinating Team.

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