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New Testament Survey Synoptic Gospels

Explore key biblical mandates & foundational priorities

This course is designed to provide an analysis of the Gospels written by the synoptic writers Matthew, Mark, and Luke, with emphasis on the difference in their structure, subject matter, and presentation of Christ. The teachings of Jesus on the Kingdom of God as well as the parables will especially be followed through the Gospels.

Week One

  • Watch Video 1
  • Orientation & Course Introduction
  • Download: Study Guide
  • Read: Chapter 1
  • Study Questions:
    • In the parable of the patch on the old garment, or the new wine in old wine skins (Matthew 9:16-17; Mark 2:21-22; Luke 5:36), why did Jesus use those materials or liquids to explain His parable?
    • What does the patch or wine represent in today’s context?
    • What can the ingredient in wine possibly represent?
    • What can the teaching of Matthew 9:14-15; Mark 2:18-20; and Luke 5:34-35 mean to a person in this generation?

Week Two

  • Watch Video 2
  • Read: Page 126, Pages 21-27
  • Study Questions:
    • In the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:46-49), who was Jesus speaking to? Where was Jesus when He spoke these words?
    • What was the main point of the parable?
    • Jesus speaks about the blind leading the blind. Where is that found in Scripture and who was Jesus referring to?
    • In video #2, what Empire conquered the Babylonian Empire?

Week Three

  • Watch Video 3
  • Read: Pages 28-38
  • Study Questions:
    • In video #3, what was the Greek Septuagint?
    • In Matthew 7:15-23 and Luke 6:43-45, Jesus shares the parable about the _________________. He said every tree would be known by its ____________. False prophets would be known by their _________________.
    • Explain the teaching in Matthew 11:16-19; Luke 7:31-35. How would Jesus speak of this generation if He was teaching today, and what terms would He have used?
    • Find where Jesus said that a pupil is not above His teacher, or a servant above his master. What does Beelzebub have to do with the teaching?

Week Four

  • Watch Video 4
  • Read: Pages 39-52
  • Study Questions:
    • Jesus tells the story of the two debtors (Luke 7:36-50). Who was Jesus speaking to and what was the context?
    • In Matthew 24:42-44, Jesus said “watch.” Who and why was He telling them to “watch?”
    • A popular parable is that of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). Who was Jesus’ audience when He spoke these words, and what was the context? What should we take away from this teaching today?
    • In video #4, explain the abbreviations for dating: B.C. or B.C.E. and A.D. and C.E.

Week Five

  • Watch Video 5
  • Read: Pages 53-72
  • Study Questions:
    • Who was the audience when Jesus spoke about the doorkeeper in Mark 13:33-37? What was the context?
    • The parable of the wise servant is found in Matthew 24:45-51. From your own studies, what have you learned that you perhaps never knew or understood?
    • In video #5, approximately how many Jews were located within the Roman Empire during the first century?
    • Matthew 25:31-46 tells the parable of the sheep and the goats. Who possibly were the sheep that Jesus was referring to and who were the goats? Who were the audience that Jesus was speaking to?

Week Six

  • Watch Video 6
  • Read: Pages 73-82
  • Study Questions:
    • Matthew 5:14-16; Mark 4:21-22; Luke 8:16 was part of Jesus’ teachings “The ____________.”
    • Explain in your own words Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 14:47-50.
    • Explain in your own words Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 13:51-52.
    • What new understanding or insight have you received from personally reading again Matthew 25:14-30 this week?

Week Seven

  • Watch Video 7
  • Read: Pages 83-92
  • Study Questions:
    • In video #7, the “Ave Maria” is one of the songs found in _________________.
    • Where was the marriage feast parable spoken by Jesus? _________________. What was the context for Him to tell this story?
    • Jesus used the fig tree in various parables or teachings. What was Jesus conveying in Matthew 24:33-34; Mark 13:28-32; Luke 21:29-33? Who was Jesus speaking to and what was the context of this teaching?
    • Jesus gave two teachings to a large crowd outside the Temple concerning “sons.” Where are those teachings located in the gospels and what was the context for Jesus to deliver such remarks?

Week Eight

  • Watch Video 8
  • Read: Pages 105-108
  • Study Questions:
    • There were some who listened to Jesus who were envious about others “having favor with God” who perhaps did not deserve that favor (in their estimation). That brought about the teaching in Matthew 20:1-16. Briefly write this parable using a modern-day situation.
    • Luke 19:11-27 provides an opportunity for us to understand God’s unique value system. The New King James version of the parable tells us “…because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately,” Jesus had to deliver this parable. What was Jesus trying to teach them?
    • Why did Jesus speak to the disciples about the importune widow in Luke 18:1-8?
    • Pharisees and Publicans both begin with the letter “P” in English. Are they alike in any other way according to Luke 18:9-14?
    • In video #8, what is the great trinity passage found in Luke?

Week Nine

  • Watch Video 9
  • Read: Pages 109-115
  • Study Questions:
    • In video #9, it is stated, “Jesus was not breaking the Law, but the _________________ of the Law.”
    • Where is the parable about the rich man and Lazarus found in the gospels? Do you think this conversation between the two can actually take place? Who was listening to this parable told by Jesus?
    • One parable told by Jesus can often be overwhelming to those who are found in a place of servanthood or bondage. List the various expectations of the master in order, found in Luke 17:5-10.
    • Three parables were told about three lost items or persons: sheep, coin, and sons. Luke 15:1-32, and Matthew 18:12-14. Who was in the audience and what was the context?
    • In one parable, the main character has been given the title of the “unjust steward.” (Luke 16:1-13) Someone has said, “the parable shows how unscrupulous people are often more shrewd than Christians, and we need to be as wise as they are when protecting our Godly values.” What did that person mean?

Week Ten

  • Watch Video 10
  • Read: Pages 116-122
  • Study Questions:
    • Luke shares three stories told by Jesus (Luke 14:7-35). List those stories and tell how they are connected.
    • Luke 12:35-48 tells a story told by Jesus to His disciples in the hearing of a larger crowd. Why did both the disciples and the crowd come to hear what Jesus said?
    • In video #10, What is the definition of Historical Criticism?
    • Many teachings have been found in Luke’s gospel. Luke 11:5-13 is about ________________. Why was the first story shared by Jesus? Why was the second story shared?

Week Eleven

  • Watch Video 11
  • Read: Pages 123-138
  • Study Questions:
    • In video #11, on which of the days of Jesus’ last week did He deliver the Olivet Discourse?
    • Another example of a fig tree teaching is found in Luke 13:6-9. How did this parable differ from the other one in week #7?
    • A well-known parable, that of the Good Samaritan, was told to a teacher of the Law. What new insight have you had as you reread this passage of Scripture this week? Luke 10:30-37
    • Matthew shares four teachings of Jesus in order (Matthew 13:24-46) (also Luke 13:18-21). List the four. They are related…how? They are not related…how?
    • What is your take on Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26? Can a Christian be filled again with an unclean spirit?

Week Twelve

  • Watch Video 12
  • Final Discussion & Challenge
  • Term Paper Due
  • Study Questions:
    • Mark 4:26-29 gives us a teaching of Jesus to ________________. Where was Jesus when He taught these words?
    • Jesus was teaching a large crowd at the same location as the question above which is told in Matthew 13:3-9 and 18-23; Mark 4:3-25; Luke 8:4-15. What four conditions did Jesus speak about?
    • The divided Kingdom was the major point in Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 12:25-29; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 11:17-20. Explain, if you can, the reasoning behind the mindset of the Jewish leaders concerning this question. Who was Beelzebub?
    • In video #12, list the total names of the women who were at the tomb of Jesus on resurrection Sunday (a compilation of the four gospels).

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