Rather than starting with a focus on external spiritual disciplines, this course begins by lookin
g at the life of Christ within. Jesus forms a heart for disciplines and perseverance to walk in them. One is inspired to worship, to pray, to fast, etc., not because of a commitment on a calendar but by the overflow from Christ within.
This course is based on the words of Paul in Romans 8:29. The goal for every disciple is, “To become conformed to the image of His Son.” This course will equip you to rise, “To the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13)
It will become apparent as the course develops that Paul’s words were meant to be the goal of every Christian disciple. Jesus’ inner work takes us from death to life, from the old man to the new man, from being controlled by sin to being directed by the Spirit of God.
Week One
- Watch Week 1 Introduction Video
- Orientation
- Course Introduction
- Download Session One Notes
- Download Study Guide
Week Two
- Watch Video: Week 2
- Read chapters 1-3
- Study Questions:
- In your own words, explain the difference between Discipleship and Spiritual Formation as explained in the video.
- In the textbook, chapter 1, Murray states that Jesus never said, “Abide WITH me,” but rather “____________________________.”
- In chapter 2 of the textbook, Murray states, “The rest is in Christ, and not something He gives apart from Himself.” Comment on that statement.
- Finish this statement in chapter 3 of the textbook: “…as it was Jesus who drew you when He spake ‘Come,’ so it is Jesus who __________________________________.”
Week Three
- Watch Video: Week 3
- Read chapters 4-6
- Study Questions:
- List the three parts to the New Covenant
- What does it mean for “God to have us?”
- Explain what it means to you when Murray states in chapter 6, “The branch is as much in the charge and keeping of the husbandman as the vine.”
Week Four
- Watch Video: Week 4
- Read chapters 7-9
- Study Questions:
- In the video, there is a list of about 4 or more expectations when the Christian takes hold of what it means to be “In Christ.” List those expectations.
- Memorize Philippians 2:13
- Why did Murray say in chapter 8, “…it is no longer an impossibility to walk all the day enrobed in the loving presence which with He covers His people?”
- Murry states in chapter 9, “There is no other way of our becoming holy, but by ______________________________
___.” (finish the statement)
Week Five
- Watch Video: Week 5
- Read chapters 10-12
- Study Questions:
- The video presents John 15:2 and the process the husbandman sometimes uses to help the vine bear more fruit. What is that process?
- Wounded stem and wounded graft are mentioned in chapter 11 of Murray. What does he say about those two essential parts of the Christian’s life?
- Murray states in chapter 12, “It is ___________ who has undertaken to stablish me in Christ Jesus.”
Week Six
- Watch Video: Week 6
- Read chapters 13-15
- Study Questions:
- Explain how perhaps “monotonous manna” might refer to chapter 14 of Murray.
- The video explains “rest” for the Israelites was found in the Promised Land. Where is the location of “rest” for the believer today?
- What is the challenge given to us in Hebrews 10:19-22?
- Murray states in chapter 15, “To attain the life of permanent and perfect abiding is not ordinarily given at once as a possession for the future; it comes _______________________.” (Finish the sentence)
Week Seven
- Watch Video: Week 7
- Read chapters 16-18
- Study Questions:
- Give the scriptural reference stated in the video where Paul tells his audience that we are all called according to God’s own purpose. _____________
- Explain how you would use the term “stewardship” to represent chapter 16 of the textbook.
- In the video, it is explained that God has a “General Purpose” for each Christian’s life as well as a “____________ Purpose.”
- Finish this quote from Murray in chapter 18. “As Jesus was entirely dependent on the Father for all His words and all His works, so _______________________.” Where in John 15 do you think Murray based his statement?
Week Eight
- Watch Video: Week 8
- Read chapters 19-21
- Study Questions:
- God’s direction in our life happens when He reveals to us the four “W’s.” What are they?
- Consider how God has endowed your specific life with giftings, talents, and abilities. Make a list to review and share with the rest of the zoom class.
- Murray states in chapter 19, “Other trees may be planted for ornament, for the shade, for the wood,” but what is vine only planted for?
- In chapter 20, what does Murray believe is the very joy and glory of heaven begun on earth?
March 30 No Zoom Debrief
Week Nine
- Watch Video: Week 9
- Read chapters 22-24
- Study Questions:
- In chapter 24 of the text, Murray reminds us that if even for a moment the commandments of God appear grievous, what should we remember?
- “He rises above the ordinary tone in which so many Christians speak of their weakness.” Murray shares a verse to help us when we tend to dwell on our weaknesses. What is that verse?
- The video shows how the “yoked life” is the “__________ life.” How would you explain the truth to a super legalist?
Week Ten
- Watch Video: Week 10
- Read chapters 25-27
- Study Questions:
- Name at least 4 disciplines that are covered in the video.
- In chapter 25, Murray gives his take on the three joys that Jesus had when He went to the cross. List them.
- According to the video, how are the Spiritual Disciplines marketed today?
Week Eleven
- Watch Video: Week 11
- Read chapters 28-30
- Study Questions:
- What are the two most important words for Christians to know and practice? (shown in the video)
- Finish this statement by Murray in chapter 28, the Christian “…lives a most joyous and blessed life, not because he is no longer feeble, but because ___________.”
- Why, according to the video, is meditation sometimes not practiced by Christians?
Week Twelve
- Final discussion and challenge
- Read chapter 31
- Study Question:
- In chapter 31 of Murray, the author tells us that to truly be spiritually looking for Jesus coming, one must do what?
Final Project
- Compose a survey with 15 questions concerning Spiritual Formation as well as 15 responses. Ask 15 people (church, pastor, family, friends) and show total findings for each question.
- Prepare questions based on material from the course
- The questions should only require short answers that can be tabulated for your final report
- List the responses to every question with percentages or commonality
- Turn in any time but at least by end of course
- Purpose is to discover the beliefs, attitudes, programs, etc., of those around you
- Example: “Does your church have a discipleship training course, and if so, for how many weeks, and how well attended?”