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Current Course Catalog (Spring 2023)

Hybrid courses available with AIM Institute

AIM Institute has been providing training for Christian leaders since 2003. Our initial tactic was to send our instructors to teach a three-day intensive module in a local church. These intensive courses provided students with the opportunity to prepare for ministry while maintaining busy lives. Unfortunately, this approach provided limited opportunity for assignments and extended contact with the instructor. The Covid lock downs provided the opening to develop a hybrid approach.

Our hybrid approach allows AIM Institute to provide students with classroom and distance learning environments. In our new format, most courses are covered in the traditional semester of twelve weeks.

  • Instructor lectures are video recorded. Each week students watch a lecture video at their convenience and complete course assignments. This provides a college level of delivery of instruction.
  • A second course requirement is to attend a Zoom video conference meeting with the teacher and classmates each week. This provides a relational opportunity to draw from the experiences and wisdom of the instructor and classmates.


Registration Closed for Spring Courses

(Watch for September courses to be announced soon.)

Discover Your Leadership
with Terry King

Tuesday at 7:00 PM (New York Time) | January 31 to April 18

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Everyone is leading someone. Effective leadership which has enduring fruit must be based on the foundation of self-leadership. This leadership begins within. This is a Bible-based look at personal identity. Our goal is to equip the student to write a personal mission statement. Several assessment tools will be used, and opportunity will be given for
personal reflection. We conclude with instruction for building an action plan with teaching on goals and scheduling.

Hermeneutics - Bible Interpretation
with Miguel Pabilonia

USA: Monday at 7:00 PM (New York Time) | February 6 – April 24
Manilla: Saturdays at 8:00 PM (Manilla Time) | January 28 – April 15

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This course develops the principles and methods of Bible interpretation. Four methods and five principles are examined. Examples are provided for each. The unique challenges of figurative language including parables, prophecy, types and symbols and poetry are addressed. The course concludes with an overview of Bible study methods. In these days of relativity where the Bible is often miss interpreted, this course should be considered a must for all believers.

Spiritual Formation
with Nat Saginario

Discover Spiritual Renewal from Jesus Within

Thursdays at 7:00 PM (New York Time) | February 2 – April 27
(No Class Mach 30)

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This course is based on the words of Paul in Romans 8:29. The goal for every disciple is, “To become conformed to the image of His Son.” Rather than starting with a focus on external spiritual disciplines, this course begins by looking at the life of Christ within. Jesus forms a heart for disciplines and perseverance to walk in them. One is inspired to worship, to pray, fast, etc., not because of a commitment on a calendar but by the overflow from Christ within.

Past Courses

The following courses are completed and will run again in the future. Please contact us if you have a particular interest in seeing specific courses repeated soon.

Theology I is our introductory course in Bible doctrine. What is, and why is Theology important? Bibliology (Doctrine of the Bible) and Theology (Doctrine of God and Angels) are studied.

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the earliest surviving accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. This course will provide a historical background and review of these texts, paying special attention to the distinctive portrait of Jesus that each gospel presents, and discuss contemporary application.

This course will explore the key biblical mandates and foundational priorities established in scripture for ministry in the church and in the community. We will examine the differences between Old Testament and New Testament leadership, covering specific topics like team building, servant, and collegial leadership. We will explore the proper expression and application of spiritual authority and power and together we’ll unpack important aspects of discipleship, conflict resolution, and ministerial ethics.

Homiletics Zoom Class

Homiletics is the art and science of preaching. In this introductory course, the basic structure of the message will be explored. Three basic types of sermons will be explained. We assume that New Testament proclamation is the work of a messenger.

We will devote specific time to exploring biblical principles and practices needed to prepare ourselves to be messengers of God. Since similar methods are used to structure teaching, and other public opportunities to minister the Word of God. Therefore, this course will be useful even if one does not preach from a pulpit regularly.

Future Courses

The following courses are currently in the development stage. To some degree, the timing for their release will be determined by interest. Please contact us if you have a particular interest in seeing specific courses developed soon.

The writings of Paul form much of the New Testament. A survey of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians will be covered in this course with an emphasis on practical application and inspiration.

In this course the basic principles and activities of administration are explored with an emphasis on practical skills needed for church organization.

This course presents the student with a biblical and philosophical basis for counseling, a biblical methodology for counseling, and Bible passages suitable for key counseling needs.

This course is designed to build foundations for unity and strength in local church government and ministry life. Two perspectives are considered. First, common core philosophical concepts are examined. With this foundation established, we believe our Father has given every local church a unique calling and ministry, mission, and vision.

We believe that it is imperative for the local pastor to impart this “DNA” into future leader. Local church pastors are invited to join the teaching for this section imparting the DNA of the church they serve to its leaders.

As our culture moves aggressively towards pluralism, we need to prepare to give a defense for the hope which is with us. (I Peter 3:15) This course provides the tools to do so.

The Bible teaches us that the family is the foundation for church life. This course lays the foundation for solid family life by examining the biblical roles of husbands and wives, conflict management, and raising children.

This course studies the challenge of the Great Commission. An overview of today’s mission movement is introduced, and the New Testament is examined with specific attention given to understanding the apostolic pattern for outreach.

In this course, the ministerial functions of the pastor are studied including worship leading, marriage and funeral practices, visitation, etc.

In each of the lists of qualifications for pastors in the New Testament, teaching is required. In this course, the methods and practices of teaching are studied.

This course examines the theology and practice of prophetic ministry, inner healing, and deliverance ministry.

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