What is the direction of your life? What will your legacy be? More important, what is God’s purpose, mission for your life? This is a Bible-based look at personal identity. Our goal is to equip the student to write a personal mission statement. Several assessment tools will be used, an opportunity will be given for personal reflection. We conclude with instruction for building an action plan with teaching on goals and scheduling.
Week One
You are a leader, you have influence.
- Watch Video 1
- Orientation & Course Introduction
- Download: Study Guide
- Preparation Questions:
- Do you consider yourself to be a leader? Do others?
- What are the spheres of influence where you are demonstrating leadership?
- Are there possibly others where you are not aware?
- Recommended Reading: Rima Chapter 1
Week Two
Your purpose is a gift from God and flows from within.
- Watch Video 2
- List the key roles in your life (Son/daughter? Husband/wife? Employer/employee? Friend? Church member/leader? Etc.)
- Imagine your funeral. What do you want each to say? See any patterns?
- Preparation Questions:
- Several Scriptures were given in the video. Choose at least one and prepare to comment on what it says to you during the Zoom debrief.
Week Three
Your purpose is empowered by spiritual gifts.
- Watch Video 3
- Question:
- What does it mean to you personally to read in Scripture that you were made in the image of God?
There are several ways to look at spiritual gifts in the Scriptures. These gifts are listed in several passages. For the course, the most useful is in Romans 12. These seven are referred to as “Motive Gifts.” What motivates you, drives you, brings satisfaction and fulfillment.
- Take the Survey:
- Spiritual Gifts Test
- List your top Motive Gift. See the Appendix in the manual for this course for descriptions.
- Does this description make sense to you? See the Appendix in the manual for this course.
- Questions:
- How do the results strike you? Surprised or confirmed?
- Share with someone you trust and note their response.
Week Four
Your purpose is founded upon your unique mix of values.
- Watch Video 4
- Consider the following list of values.
- Choose 5 and then rank them in order of importance.
- Questions:
- What did you learn about yourself in this exercise?
- Do you have any values which conflict with each other?
- Recommended Reading: Rima Chapter 2 and George Chapter 5
Values Assessment
Order | Love | Wisdom |
Sharing | Spirituality | Reliability |
Respect | Health | Courage |
Creativity | Adventure | Professionalism |
Loyalty | Responsibility | Optimism |
Hard Work | Friendship | Humility |
Freedom (independence) | Ambition | Commitment |
Patience | Fame | Self-esteem |
Integrity and honesty | Strength | Empathy |
Caring | Trust | Resilience |
Recognition | Courtesy | Humor |
Recreation | Family | Tolerance |
Personal Development | Relationships, Friendships | Personal Security |
Community | Permanence | Quality of Life |
Equality | Personal Growth | Individuality |
Achievement | Community | Honor |
Economic Security | Control (self-control) | Learning, education |
Harmony | Productivity |
Week Five
Your purpose is defined by boundaries which include convictions, and ethics.
- Watch Video 5
- List your top three convictions:
- Questions:
- What is the difference between convictions and preferences?
- Have you made decisions about what actions you will always take regardless of the cost? Consider Daniel in the Bible.
- What are three areas of temptation, vulnerability where you are tested?
- What do you say to yourself when encountering these situations?
- To whom are you accountable in these areas?
Week Six
Your purpose is effective when you build on your strengths.
- Watch Video 6
- Question:
- Is, “Jack of all trades master none” really a compliment?
- Consider the significance of natural talents, list 3 of your natural talents.
- Take the 16 Personalities Assessment
- The result will be a type. What is your reaction to the description?
- Take the Standout Assessment by Marcus Buckingham
- Note your two top roles. Be sure to read the descriptions given, they may be different from your first impression.
- Share with someone you trust and note their response.
Week Seven
Your purpose is fulfilled when running your race.
- Watch Video 7
- The objective for the following sessions:
- Each of us needs a compelling vision (What do I want to be? What do I look like?)
- a defined mission (What is my purpose? What will I do with my life?)
- a plan (How am I going to get there?)
- Begin the process by considering what you have already heard.
- List any key scriptures which you consider to be life verses. Recall the situation in which they become special to you.
- What counsel have you received from individuals you look to as mentors or spiritual leaders?
- Outline key prophetic words which you have received.
- Outline key dreams in which you believe God has spoken to you.
- Outline other personal impressions.
- Recommended Reading: Covey Habit 2, “Begin with the End in Mind”
Week Eight
Your Leadership has a Purpose!
- Watch Video 8
- Review:
- Review the previous sessions. Consider your spiritual gifts, values, convictions, what you have heard in the past and the results of the personality assessments.
- Write:
- Write a draft for your big picture personal mission/purpose statement.
- Consider the characteristics of a purpose statement given in the video.
- Consider using the following as a guide:
- “I believe God has called me to [action] for [audience] by [skills] to [desired result].”
- “I am called to help (group of people I have influence with) to (solve this problem) by
(my unique solution that draws on my gifts, passion and experience).”
- Recommended Reading: Rima Chapter 3
Week Nine
You are responsible for your purpose.
- Watch Video 9
- Review:
- Review the mission statement we worked on in our last session. Keep working on focusing it.
- Remember, your personal mission statement is a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. It should inspire you to take action and make meaningful contributions to your community and the world around you.
- Your mission statement is not a job description, it is the big picture statement of your life purpose. Consider your Standout Report, your values, what you have heard from God.
- Study the illustration below.
- Where are you on the scale? Consider key areas of your
life:- Time you get out of bed in the morning
- Clothing you wear (dress codes at work, etc?)
- Length of commute to work
- Meetings
- What I do at lunch
- Free time
- Where are you on the scale? Consider key areas of your
- Questions:
- What are the emotions that you feel when you are not in control of the events in your life?
- Identify a situation in the past where you were tempted to be re-active. What is your plan to take responsibility?
Week Ten
Your purpose has direction, a plan.
- Watch Video 10
- Begin the process of building a self-management plan.
- Questions:
- Several time robbers were given in the video. To which one are you most vulnerable?
- Study the four quadrants of the time matrix. Where are you spending most of your time? What is the trap that ensnares you?
- Important and Urgent
- Important but not Urgent
- Not Important but Urgent
- Not Important and Not Urgent
- Mission Statement:
- Begin the process for planning to move to spending most of your time on things which will enable you to live your mission statement.
- Your mission statement is:
- List Roles:
- Reflect on the different roles in your life. Remember the funeral exercise. Spouse / Parent / Vocation / Ministry / etc.
- Choose 1 Role:
- Write 1 big picture objective for the next 12 months.
- Write 1 big picture objective for the next 12 months.
- Goals:
- Write goals for each including the four key ingredients: measurable, accountable, significant and manageable.
- Goal 1
- Goal 2
- Goal 3
- Write goals for each including the four key ingredients: measurable, accountable, significant and manageable.
- Choose 1 Goal:
- Focus on one goal and list the tasks which must be accomplished to complete this goal.
- Task 1
- Task 2
- Task 3
- Schedule each task. On what date should this task be completed? Place in your calendar tool.
- Focus on one goal and list the tasks which must be accomplished to complete this goal.
- Recommended Reading: Rima Chapter 4 and Covey Habit 3 “Put First Things First”
Week Eleven
Purpose Resilience and Perseverance Depends on Personal Renewal.
- Watch Video 11
- What is your plan (objectives and goals) for personal renewal?
- Spiritual
- Emotional
- Relationships
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Recommended Reading: Rima Chapters 6-9 and Covey Habit 7
Week Twelve
Discover Your Purpose | Week 12
- Review Project Results